Site announcements

Picture of Admin User
by Admin User - Monday, 13 August 2018, 3:47 PM

Any payment should proceed to ICCE Bank Islam account number with this link ( ) and email us, or, OR whatsapp us, 011-55155840 or 013-356 7446, the receipt to get ...Read the rest of this topic
(107 words)
Picture of Admin User
Program Easy Arabic Quran Al-Furqan (EAQ)
by Admin User - Thursday, 24 May 2018, 12:15 PM

Easy Arabic Quran Al-Furqan (EAQ) adalah revolusi  terkini pengajian Bahasa Arab Al-Furqan. Sistem pengajian Al-Furqan yang telah berjaya membantu beribu-ribu perserta yang tiada asas dalam bahasa arab untuk memahami alquran. Kini dengan nafas baru, program EAQ ini menawarkan “ kursus pensijilan ...

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(124 words)